The Web of Light






Five years ago I had a vision. It came to me three times in one week – which is exceptional for me. Since I usually only get to see something once. The vision looked something like the picture above, and it came with partial knowledge of what “it” was. Back then, my understanding was that I was shown people who were raising the frequency of this planet. And were supporting eachother whilst doing so. For example, when one light was dimming, a bright light would be helping out to mirror them their own radiance again. Teamwork!

Now, many years later, I am seeing it happen all around me. In even more beautiful ways than I had ever imagined. The “light spots” are each and every single one of you that did the hard work. That accessed their Heartspace and are emitting an incredible amount of love into this world. Those who learned how to build golden connections from the Heart, and raised themselves above the individuality consciousness. Those who chose love over fear time, and time again. You are brave Spirits.

And I am so very touched (sometimes moved to tears) and humbled everytime that I meet another amazing Spirit that has gone through all this work. To be here with us now, to shine their Light and to battle where needed. I know how hard it has been, how you had to fight a lonely fight until now. And I feel a deep love for you, those I have met and those I have yet to meet, and I am grateful that you are standing by my side at this time. Most often I recognise you right away by the look in your eyes and the feeling of your Heart. The way we mirror and amplify one another and how there immediately is a strong sense of having known eachother before. And having been here many times before already…

Remember that we are like live healing crystals. And that working with your energy in such a way requires more work than the average person would have to do. So take good care of you. Especially now, when I see how fast the connections are going, how easy the recognition is becoming. And trust me when I say that the connections are evolving fast as well! I know that we are at the start of something great and I am so excited! Thank you so much for being here with me, you are so very precious and loved ♥